Contemporary Poetry Course: from page to performance
This Readipop course will explore the relationship between form and content in both page and performance poetry. It is suitable for beginners and intermediate poets who want to strengthen their writing and performing skills through reading and discussions, games and writing exercises, as well as peer reviewing of work in progress. You will engage with different ways into drafting poems with a close look at new processes and old forms revisited by contemporary poets and performers, in view of developing a body of work to be published in a Course Collection and performed at a filmed, live event.
Tutor: Michaël ‘Gulliver’ Vidon
Number of Sessions : 6 Time: Thursdays, 7-9pm Start: Thursday 23rd of October
Place: RISC, 35-39 London Street, RG1 4PS
Sharing event: Sunday 30th of November (TBC)
Number of Participants: 9 max.
Fee: £75
By the end of the course, you will have
· developed your writing, written a body of poems and been exposed to a range of contemporary poets and spoken word artists (including an Apples and Snakes event).
· one poem (or more) published in the Course Collection (of which you’ll be offered a copy)
· worked towards performing your poems in front of live audience
· a video of one of your poems, ideal for portfolios